
The Bourne Identity

This movie is the first one of the Bourne sereiese. 

I love this movie in the seriese!

It is a spy movie.

Mr bourne (Matt) lost his memory.

 He cannot understand who I am

but he know how to kill people.

 And someone trys to kill him

. He is confused.

 He tries to know his identity......


 Money ball

Money ball means the Art of Winning an Unfair Game.  This story was based on a real story.  Its focus is the team's analytical, evidence-based, sabermetric approach to assembling a competitive baseball team, despite Oakland's disadvantaged revenue situation.



 Invictus means 'unconquered'(征服されない)or'unefeated'(無敗の).
 This story is about the friendship between  the first black president of South Aflica, Mandala and a caprtain of one rugby team.  They have Apartheid problem. Mandala trys to change South Aflica with the captain. 